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What is the best subject in the university演讲稿

复制全文 下载文档 更新 2022-03-16  |   人气 199

hello everybody,good afternoon.

i know you're in high school and you will be faced with the choice of university majors. today i want to give you some advice about it.

first of all,you must realize it’s very important for you to choose a subject in the university.

president obama said that you should always understood that when times change,so must we.so a good professional course can improve your thinking and work ability.

in my opinion ,education is the best subject that you should study in the university. in the 21 century, education is the most important basis for a country. (question)as a matter of fact ,there are many many people want to go abroad such as america ,britain,cannada. becauseof their high technology , their good conditions of life , their beautiful cities . the truth is everything is connected with the level of education.because of the good education of the people, they can do many things in the city about the humanities, the rule of law, the economy.the purpose of education is not only reflect the will of a country's interests,but also can regulate the whole process of education activities so that educational activities to adapt to the law of education and the need of society.as for me,i think education is the no.1 productive forces.

if you choose the education as the major in the university,you will easy to find a job after you graduated.nowadays,the country needs more educator to develop the level of educate and also education can develop your mind of thinking in different ways.it’s really a good choose to study education in the university.maybe you will be changed the future of the country,even the world.

anyway,i think education is the best subject study in university.i hope my speech can help



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