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one night after a big dinner scarecrow and martian went for a walk.

“very strange!” said scarecrow”. the lights are on in every house on this street.”

“yes,” said martian. “that’s because today i s … ”

“ahhhh!” shouted scarecrow. “look! there is an orange head in front of that house!”

“yes,” said martian. “that is a jack-o’-lantern. people cut faces in pumpkins fo r … ”


chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of olympic ideal, support the efforts of olympic games to promote world peace. the chinese government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 20xx olympic games in beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient china.


middle-age is a crucial period and middle-aged women are facing even more dangers. youth is still lingering on there, but it can't stand any carelessness or negligence. staying youth can be likened to climbing a steep hill, while negligence will lead to decrepitude overnight. those who feed on their youth will have to opt otherwise at this stage.

this is a time full of temptations, alluring girls and glamourous women pop up everywhere, making the discomposed men confused and disoriented, leaving behind more and more broken-up families and abandoned wives, thereby leading the middle-aged to the heartfelt realization that women cannot afford to grow old.

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