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analogictech公司的aat1409是高度集成高效率的八路led背光驱动器,集成了升压转换器(输出高达45v)和高频pwm调光。aat1409的vin范围4.5v到 5.5v / 5.0v到26.0v,每路的电流可编程达45ma,总输出电流360ma,可支持881个白光led。


8 channel led backlight driver with integrated boost and highfrequency direct pwm dimmingthe aat1409 is a highly integrated, high efficiency led backlightsolution for notebook computers, monitors and portable tvs. thedevice operates from dc inputs, cigarette lighter adapters, ormulti-cell li-ion batteries over the 4.5v to 26v voltage range.an integrated boost (step-up) converter provides up to 45v outputfor driving series leds. eight precision current sinks areprogrammed up to 45ma per string through one external rsetresistor, supporting up to 881 white leds at 360ma total outputcurrent.led strings may be disabled or operated in parallel for increaseddrive capability. the boost output voltage is set by the led stringwith the highest voltage requirement, allowing a wide range of ledcharacteristics.the pwm dimming range at 100hz is up to 1,000:1. the boostswitching frequency is selectable (up to 1.3mhz) to allow optimumefficiency and the smallest external l/c filtering components.alternatively, the device may be synchronized to an external clock.boost current mode control provides fast response to line and loadtransients. integrated light-load mode ensures highest efficiencyacross the entire load ra

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