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the solution of ordinary differential equations

abstract: this paper mainly discusses some related solutions of the first-order and higher-order ordinary differential equations. this paper firstly introduces the basic concept of differential equations. on such a basis, the paper probes into the solutions of the first-order differential equations including the main types such as variable separable equation, separable variable equations which can be translated into the equation homogeneous equation, a linear differential equations and the proper equation. to solve such types of first-order differential equation, the methods can be used: variable separation, transformation, a linear equation of constant change of law and the appropriate equations direct observation, portfolio breakdown, integral contrast. finally,it discusses the solutions of the higher-order differential equation. the solution are non-homogeneous linear equation of constant variation , euler be determined index of constant coefficient of linear equations, nonhomogeneous linear equations comparison method and laplace transform method. in addition, the method of transform is used to solve two special second ordinary differential equations.

keywords: first-order ordinary differential equations; higher-order ordinary differential equations; solution .

2021高一新生军训心得体会 药监局创和谐型机关心得体会 党性分析(个人分析2) 如何构建和谐校园心得体会 保持先进性,领导干部必须牢固树立正确的权力观 暑期社会实践心得体会 挂职驻村的感想 观看电影《郑培民》《张思德》有感 听董事长讲话心得体会 幼儿园惩罚教育心得体会


