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摘 要



this thesis explores the evaluation and forecast of the water quality of yangtze river. the general evaluation of water quality and the pollution situation of related regions are concluded by analyzing the attachment qualitatively as well as quantitatively. firstly, by building the water quality model to neglect the dispersion coefficient of one-dimensional steady state, we can calculate the index of codmn and the main region polluted greatly by nh3-n respectively. then, by analyzing the pollution at the branch and local region, we can find the origin. in the respect of the forecast for the development in the following ten years, we adopt the method of line-fitting process and least squares to analysis and solve, so we can master the trend. and, in the respect of disposal of the polluted water, we adopt the model of calculating the capacity ignorant of the mixed area, so we can solve the problem by building new model. finally, according to the result of statistics analysis, we put forward the reasonable proposal and suggest to solve the problem of the problem of the water pollution in yangtze area.

keyword: fluid matter of yangtze river; sour salt index number of high manganese; the ammonia nitrogen density; environment capacity of water

保先教育心得体会(发展计划委版) 学习保持共产党员先进性体会 关于工业园区发展循环经济、建设节约型园区的几点思考 学校后勤保障处员工比赛获奖心得体会 工程师业务自传 非公有制企业党员心得 语文教学与人格的培养 大学生村官选聘到村任职实践体会 农业委员会主任学习十七届三中全会心得体会 学习胡锦涛总书记在第20次全国统战工作会议讲话体会


