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My Love Will Reach Any Distanc

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dear david,

you are a blessing that my entire being is very thankful for. i feel that we were made to love, listen, understand, and work through all times in our lives together and individually. ;)

i feel that we have shared more time together than we ever will and i know there are many more special occassions and moments in our lives that will surprise and bring us closer.

you are my soul mate and nothing, and no one else feels more right than you!! i love you eternally and unconditionally. god's love has answered this prayer i've wanted and been almost too anxious for so long. i miss you more than words can say and my love will reach any distance and fly to be in your dreams and heart each evening that we can not be together. i physically long for you each night and will see you in my dreams until we find ourselves wrapped in the love that grows stronger and deeper each day, into our future together. i believe and have faith in you.

love always,


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《My Love Will Reach Any Distanc.docx》