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wish you all happiness, health and prosperity(事业发达)with many many returns of the day.

please accept my gift for your birthday, not for its own value, but for the sake of the thoughts it represents.

a man is not old as long as he is seeking something.

sunny, bright, delightful, warm and wonderful, too---that’s the kind of birthday this wish is wishing you!

whatever dream youre dreaming, may each one of them come true;whatever plans you’re making may they all work out for you. happy birthday!

roses, sweet and fragrant, sent to you to say, may each hour be a happy one on this special day. have a happy birthday!

to love is nothing. to be loved is something. to love, and be loved, is everything.

may you have many, many happy birthday and always keep loveliness and charm.

为什么生日要吃蛋糕 赠外国友人赠言集-祝愿版 老人生日祝词节选 怎样向父母或长辈祝贺生日或寿辰 缤纷生活短信生活谚语版 妈妈生日祝福语 赠同事赠言-美好祝愿版 对老爸说生日快乐祝福语 生日的祝福诗词送员工 对朋友的结婚祝福语


