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basic expressions 基本句型表达

1) what degree will you receive?你将拿到什么学位?

2) i will receive a bachelor’s degree. 我将获得学士学位。

3) how about your academic records at college? 你大学的成绩如何?

4) i have been doing quite well at college. 我在大学时学习很好。

5) my specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. 我在大学所学的专业和你们研究所所涉及的范围刚好对口。

6) i was one of the top students in the class. 我是班里最优秀的学生之一。

7) which course did you like best? 你最喜欢哪门课程?

conversations 会话(a=applicant i=interviewer)

dialogue 1

i: which school are you attending?

a: i am attending hebei university of technology.

i: when will you graduate from that university?

a: this coming july.

i: what degree will you receive?

a: i will receive a bachelor"s degree.

i: what is your major?

a: my major is business administration.

i: how have you been getting on with your studies so far?

a: i have been doing quite well at college. according to the academic records i"ve achieved so far, i am confident that i will get my bachelor of business administration this coming july.

i: how do you think the education you"re received will contribute to your work in this institution?

a: i have already learned a lot in the classroom and i hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. my specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. i am sure i can apply what i have learned to the work in your institute.

dialogue 2

i: which university did you graduate from?

a: i graduated from hebei university.

i: what subject did you major in at university?

a: i majored in economics.

i: tell me about the courses of your major in university.

a: i take more than 50 courses in university, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing principles, sales management, statistics, and so on.

i: how did you get on with your studies in university?

a: i did well in university. i was one of the top students in the class.

i: what subject did you minor in?

a: i didn"t minor in any subject when i was in university, but i attended english and computer courses. and i am currently studying finance in a training school.

在回答提问时要注意投其所好,比如对方问你“what course do you like best?”,这时你最好回答和所应聘公司相关的科目,这会让他留下你很有潜力的印象。注意几个关键的词语:degree(学位)、subject(科目)、department(系)、bachelor抯 degree(学士学位)、major(主修)、minor(辅修)。要做最佳面试自我介绍,在英语的基础上。关键就得看你能否流利的,专业的用词。

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