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administrative assistant(personnel)sandy bin 15/f,toward ,bright china,building,beijing.work experience9/88-present the lapis corporation,pinesville,lapersonnel administrative assistantmaintained filles. prepared records for off-site storage. designed forms for archives. developed effective space management plan for on-site records. improved tracking system resulting in few lost files. handled employment verifications and designed forms to expedite process. 12/84-8/88 glade grove college,baton rouge,larecords coordinator for developmentrecorded gifts made to the college. maintained filles. codertranslated data form surveys into numerical code for data entry. edited computer printouts. performed quality control. 6/72-12/81 paisley telecommunications,new orleans,la"advantage" coordinator (the "advantage" is an auto dialer.)tested and programmed each unit. schedule site visits and installations. kept inventory. assisted customers with questions and problems. 4/71-5/72 interviewerconducted public opinion surveys. eductionbiltmore college,dallas,texas 1972associates degree in marketing. references are available upon request.work experience is emphasized while limited education is de-em-phasized. clean layout makes resume easy to read. <>

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