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个人简历 本人概况

姓名:刘** 性别:女民族:汉 年龄:24 籍贯:北京 健康状况: 良好

学历(学位):本科 专业:计算机科学与技术

联系电话:** 手机:**

联系地址:北京市** 邮编:100176

email address: l**工作经历

20xx.7-20xx.12天狮集团 天津总部客户服务部 行政主管


20xx.12-今 天狮集团 北京分公司 营运主任主要工作:协助经理管理销售业务,拓展客户资源和销售渠道,协调经销商与总部各部门各项事务的交流。在这段时间里,北京及华北地区业绩有显著提高,新建固定客户上百家,培养了良好的沟通技巧和较强的人事管理及业务处理能力。教育背景







我认为拥有优秀的人才是企业持续发展的前提和保障,企业的营销手法和市场运营方案更是企业在激烈的市场竞争中不可或缺的重要因素。经过一段时间以上方面的工作,我对企业的人事管理、市场运营、物流以及营销等方面工作的流程和管理方法有了一定程度上的了解。我相信能胜任该职位工作。自我评价 为人正直诚实,有强烈的进取心,勤奋刻苦,独立工作能力强,善于与他人合作、沟通。具有团队精神,勇于接受有挑战性的工作。期盼与您的面谈! resume degree:bachelor major: computer science and technology

phone no.: ** **

e-mail:**mwork experiences: 20xx.7-20xx.12 tiens headquarters in tianjin,customer service department ,administrative assistant

duty:i assist my boss to do some daily work, for example:solve tangle and reaction complain.also i offered a few ideas to improve the customer improvement project,and make it more perfect。 i reached shandong,inner mongolia,shanxi and beijing for business trip,constructed a flat roof for dealing with the pending problems which come from the customers,the market management and the service pattern.in this independent period,i annealed my ability to resolving conflict and mastered the market demand and especial pattern.

20xx.12-today tiens filiale of beijing,leaderchiefly job:supervise marketing,opened up new markets and selling channels,make the communication more smooth that between headquarters and the customers.at this time,the outstanding achievement for north of china had heightened rapidly.i constructed new clientele relationship,cultured communication skills and the ability on dealing with personnel matters.education :

graduate from:tianjin science and technology university

other train:

*proficient in ms office software applications

*pass cet-4,command of both written and spoken english

*a certain marketing & operating

individual introdution

i consider that own people with ability is a precondition and must be safeguarded. the ways and means is more important in the market competition.pass through a period of time,i make known the flow and method around the corporation running.i believe i will be competent for this job.<>

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