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个人基本简历 姓名: 国籍: 中国

个人照片 目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 广东省 身材: 163 cm 49 kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 25 岁 培训认证: 诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型: 普通求职 应聘职位: 外贸/贸易专员/助理:外贸业务 贸易类 外贸业务 外贸/贸易经理/主管 工作年限: 3 职称: 无职称 求职类型: 全职 可到职- 一个星期 月薪要求: 20xx--3500 希望工作地区: 广州 珠海 个人工作经历: 20xx-02~20xx-02:dongguan sealand holding electrical appliance co., ltd

职位:船务 职责如下:

- 处理一些日常工作;收发邮件,编制文件,跟进货期。

- 与客户确认好货期;并取得相关的装船说明资料来完成出货文件。并从中得 知装货港,卸货港,收货人地址,通知人地址,以及所需相关文件等。

- 与货代按排仓位(有散货,整柜,空运,快递等)

- 安排拖车到厂装货,并跟进行程。

- 出货后检查提单,并编制其他相关文件,如:发票,装箱单,form a,co 等;

- 确认货款后寄出相关文件给客户(或者电放提单给客户)

- 跟踪船运并向上级,客户报告进程

b.20xx-03~20xx-12: french sourcing-ex-china

职位:外贸业务 职责如下:

- 维护与客户间的良好关系,有新开发的产品发相关资料给客户。如果图片, 报价表等;并询问其对哪些兴趣。

- 商议价格,货期,汇款方式等;如:电汇,西联汇款,信用证等。

- 确认包装资料及价格以后,我们会根据客人的订单编制销售合同及形式发 票。

- 在相关的b2b商业平台搜索新客户;如果阿里巴巴,trade key, made in china,global sourcing,yellow page等等

- 一些特殊的产品外发外厂加工生产并跟进。

- 参加香港国际珠宝展,并安排相关事项;如:展品,酒店,入场证等。 教育背景 毕业院校: 私立华联大学 最高学历: 大专 毕业- 20xx-07-01 所学专业一: 经贸英语/日语 所学专业二: 受教育培训经历: 20xx年9月~20xx年7月在私立华联大学就读经贸英语专业。

20xx年11月 获三好学生和优秀干部称号

20xx年11月 获三好学生称号

20xx年06月 获三好学生和优秀毕业生 语言能力 外语: 英语 优秀 国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 优秀 工作能力及其他专长 学习认真努力,一直担任学生干部,多次评为优秀干部和优秀学生。

本人个性诚恳厚道;能吃苦耐劳,工作作风扎实、态度积极,并善于合作工作;希望在将来的工作中能够在自己所从事的专业方面有更多的成绩,并尽己身所能为服务的公司带来良好的发展契机! 详细个人自传 i am very positive in life and see myself very active, persistent, curious and eager to learn.

i enjoy searching info in the internet, traveling and playing basketball etc; and i think a good way to deal with difficulties is to keep a balance between work and personal life. one needs to know how to detach one’s personal life from work. this helps to give u the strong to face and solve problems.

another way is to keep a harmonious relationship with your term and your management and your clients, which makes it easier when facing hardship. lasting it is also important to keep a broad business network which gives u a great opportunity to achieve success. english resume: cy’s resume

name: sophia chen gender: female age : 24email: cychina20xx@163.com qq: 252033404

msn: cychina20xx@hotmail.com skype: somesuch

career objective: international business/sales person

education: 20xx-09~20xx-07 private hualian college english bachelor degree

language skills: mandarin/ cantonese/ english excellent

computerablities: excell/word/photoshop/outlook/foxmail excellent

working experience:

a. 20xx-02~20xx-02: dongguan sealand holding electrical appliance co.,ltd

position: shipping clerk


1/ handle and resolve my daily work issuses from customers; such as checking how many present of the goods have been finished

2/ charge of delivery with the customers; get the shipping instruction to learn where is the port what kind of document they needed.

3/ arrange shipment to forwarder.incl. fcl, lcl, air shipment, express etc;

4/ check the bill of loading and issue other documents as well as invoice, packing list, form a, co;

5/ send all the relatated documents to our customers when after shipment and received payment;

6/ tracing the shipment and report process to customers;

b. 20xx-03~20xx-12: french sourcing-ex-china

position: sale person


1/ maintain the relationship and introduce new developments to customers eg: send some photos and quotation form for goods which they are interested in.

2/ discuss the price ,delivery date and payment with them.

3/ after comfirmation of the price , we will according to our customers'po issue s/c & p/i for them

4/ search new customer via alibaba, trade key, made in china,global sourcing,yellow page......

5/ for some special product will place the order to other company

6/ arrange goods to the exhibition and take part in hk international jewelry fair

self assessment:

i am very positive in life and see myself very active, persistent, curious and eager to learn.

i enjoy searching info in the internet, traveling and playing basketball etc; and i think a good way to deal with difficulties is to keep a balance between work and personal life. one needs to know how to detach one’s personal life from work. this helps to give u the strong to face and solve problems.

another way is to keep a harmonious relationship with your term and your management and your clients, which makes it easier when facing hardship. lasting it is also important to keep a broad business network which gives u a great opportunity to achieve success.

个人联系方式 <>

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