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4532 cahilloval

san angelo, tx 76902

lld co. ltd.

309 lake ave.

bristol, ohio

dear sir,

i will graduate from the university of kansas with a masters degree in june of this year. my major is pharmacy and i am very interested in securing a position before i graduate, if possible.

i am a chinese and my bachelor's degree is from zhejiang university.

i have long been hopeful of working for you after i graduate, because i consider you the finest hospital in this region, i as sure that if i have the privilege of serving in your pharmacy, i will greatly increase my education and my experience.

needless to say, i will have completed a standard course in pharmacy before i graduate in june. in addition, i have chosen to elect all the courses available at my school in hospital pharmacy. i did this because i have always wanted to be a hospital pharmacy. my professors, sr. john harkin, dr. mildred carter, and dr. iriny schultz have give me permission to use their names as reference.

if you have a position available after i graduate, i would appreciate it. if not, please keep my name on your file, because i consider your pharmacy the best in this region.

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