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英文简历:Selling Skills

复制全文 下载文档 更新 2022-02-22  |   人气 259

selling skills, length of serviceskills are just a commodity. leave behind that old mindset that your job-related skills or length of service are selling factors. the new mindset is to view yourself as a mini profit-and-loss center rather than just an employee. employers today buy results and are less impressed when a candidate promotes a laundry list of skills. instead, define the many ways your past and present job performances are assets to your next employer。

how are you an asset to a company's balance sheet? once again, focus on how your work either helps a company make or save money. think beyond your skill sets and job duties and list every possible example of how you accomplish this。for example, you're a video photographer recording and editing weddings and special events. you take the extra step of performing all of your post-production work before submitting your final results. your extra effort has saved your employer several hundred hours of additional work。

this translates into potentially thousands of dollars that you saved the employer. this is just the sort of achievement that must be on your resume. when you can, try to monetize, or put a dollar value on your achievements。by including several specific achievements where you've helped your employer make or save money (or time), you separate yourself from your competitors and quickly gain the attention of your reader。

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《英文简历:Selling Skills.docx》