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sandy bin 15/f,toward ,bright china,building1,beijing. objective to contribute managerial skills to a challenging position as a recruiter. summary of qualifications extensive public relations work,dealing with all levels of employment. self-motivated;able to organize,analyze and meet operational deadlines. respond well in high-pressure atmosphere. capable of handing a diversity of responsibilities simultaneously. experience norman department stores,new london,ct manager of executive recruitment,6/87-1/94 oversaw college recruiting process,annual budget $75,000.presented campus recruitment workshops;developed internship program.hired/recruited support and merchandising staff.organized senior executive involvement.received award for overall achievement and outstanding performance in human resources,3/92. department manager,9/85-6/87 merchandised childrens clothing and accessories.analyzed/marketed $2 million inventory.coordinated inventory control.trained/developed staff of 15 sales associates in customer services skills and selling techniques.achieved 20% sales increase over one year period.chosen manager of the year for excellence in execution of responsibilities,1986. seinfelds redding,ct selling supervisor trainee,6/85-8/85 coordinated merchandising and overall appearance of mens department.evaluated sales data.controlled inventory and placement of incoming merchandise.executed price revisions. education connecticut college,new london,ct b.a.,spanish modified with government studies,may 1987 notice specific contributions display candidates achievements and problem-solving abilities. specific dates of employment (month and year) are ideal for candidates with no gaps in work history.<>

简历模板(十八)人力资源助理 办事处妇联主任政审材料 实习自我鉴定范文 个人简历模板二 公务员自我鉴定 个人简历模板(十四)市场主管 求职信 会计助理优秀个人简历 求职信含金量提高支招 自我鉴定


