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good evening ,ladies and gentlemen

my name is pengxiaozhao .i come from bijiang primary school .it is exciting for me to talk with you about asian games together. as we all know the sixteenth asian games will be held in guangzhou on november the twelfth,20xx.

as the capital city of guangdong provine , guangzhou is called “the flower city ”because flowers grow all the year round , and it is also called “the goat city ”because there is a story about the very old guangzhou city.

asian games will be held in guangzhou .so people all over the world will come to guangzhou to watch the games .this will make the city busier and also* make people know more about guangzhou.

people in guangzhou will try their best to learn english so that they can easily talk with foreigners. i think it is important to let people in other countries know our culture and customs?

i’m also going to learn english better ,to show that i’m a good

student in this beautiful city!

thank you for listening

入党积极分子第三季度思想汇报 《可爱的中国》观后感 上半年工作总结及下半年工作安排 高中班主任工作总结 物流组装部门月份工作总结 个人全面提升计划 干部年度考核总结如何写? 5月党员关于干部队伍建设工作的思想汇报 《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》全文 在高考升学宴上的学生讲话稿三篇


