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情人节祝福语 英文版

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if words could make wishes come true
i'd save everyday like a treasure
and then again i would spend them with you
if i could save time in a bottle
the first thing that i'd like to do
is to save everyday until eternity passes away
just to spend them with you

rose is red
violet is blue
and you are sweet as candy
it's your loving and your caring
and knowing that you're near
that gentle touch you have
make my troubles disappear


thank you for standing behind me
in all that i do
i hope you're as happy with me
as i am with you
sweet heart
my thoughts are deep into you
from the moment that i wake up
and to the whole day through


thank you for being my friend and being around
teaching me the meaning of love
encouraging me when i need a shove
but most of all thank you for
loving me who i am

与情人节祝福语 英文版相关范文:
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《情人节祝福语 英文版.docx》