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personal information

name: xxx
gender: male
date of birth: xxxx/xx/xx
residency: huangshi
zip code[***">t135@t135.com
political background:probationary party member
leadership position:the chair of league member
address: hubei province huangshi city ma fang village

work experience

20xx/07-20xx/9:commended by dean to be an english private tutor in beijing
20xx/03--20xx/05:qihui private tutor center as an english tutor in xianning
20xx/06-20xx/12:as an english tutor teaching high school student in huangshithe first price in normal students’ teaching lesson
the third price in students’acqierement
the outstanding price in first term in telecommunications cup resume competition


self assessment

ity english cadet teacher 20xx年最新大学生英文简历模板 language skills english excellent japanese average certifications 20xx/03 tem level 8 eviii 0810045236 20xx/04 tem level 4 eiv 0710075088 20xx/06 cet-6 061242066001800 20xx/12 provincial computer level test band1 20xx121141345 20xx/12 mandarin chinese rating certificate x1140430787 20xx/7 teacher qualification certificate 20xx4210730000459 20xx年最新大学生英文简历模板 honors/awards national scholarship the first ranking scholarship the second ranking scholarship 3 good’s student outstanding student leader9 f2 m: |# h, excellent[***petition in hubei normal university the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson the third price in students’acqierement the outstanding price in first term in telecommunications cup resume competition 20xx年最新大学生英文简历模板 self assessment self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for education

招商局纪念建国60周年征文:招商引资之路 团市委科学发展观大总结 夏日浪漫婚礼主持词温馨祝福词 大学生村官考核总结 银行县支行践诺述职报告 纪念五四运动九十周年大会主持词 清明节踏青出游推荐路线 组织委员年终总结 市妇幼保健院年终工作总结 数学组教研工作总结


